Arthur is a remake of a 1981 film of the same name which was written and directed by Steve Gordon, this remake, written by Peter Baynham and directed by Jason Winer, is again set in New York and follows the same story line as the original.
Arthur a drunken playboy portrayed this time by Russell Brand is heir to a billion dollar empire and has all the money he could ever ask for. In a permanent state of intoxication, Arthur is always getting himself into trouble, being bailed out repeatedly by his 'nanny' Hobson (Helen Mirren), much to the disappointment and anger of his strict mother Vivienne (Geraldine James), who after his latest stunt (crashing the batmobile) when he was supposed to be at a dinner where he was to be named the new chairman of her corporation, gives him an ultimatum. Get married to her assistant Susan (Jennifer Gardner) or loose the $950 million inheritance. Arthur reluctantly agrees and asks Susan's father Burt (Nick Nolte) if he can marry his daughter. Soon after proposing to Susan, Arthur meets his sole mate in the form of Naomi (Greta Gerwig) an unlicensed tour guide who he immediately takes a shine to. So whilst the wedding arrangements are being made Arthur proceeds to sneak around with Naomi and falls in love with her in the process. Needing to get out of the marriage due to his love for Naomi, Arthur tries to find a way to sustain himself without the money which makes for many comedic moments and a very light hearted story.
Russell Brand does the role justice and is rather funny, but again he is playing his stereotypical role, the drunken playboy, which is something he has had years of experience to perfect and it doesn't really push him and we have yet to see him stretched as an actor. But with a good supporting cast this film makes for a good watch with the star of the show being Helen Mirren's portrayal of Hobson who with a no-nonsense attitude and a sharp and witty sense of humour as the almost impossible task of keeping Arthur in check.
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