Fast Five is the fifth instalment in the Fast And Furious franchise. The creative team of Justin Lin (Director) and Chris Morgan (Writer), off of the previous 2 films, are back once again with a new adventure for Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) and his crew in this all-action blockbuster.
After breaking Dom out of a federal prison bus Mia Toretto (Jordana Brewster) and Brian O'Conner (Paul Walker) head for Rio de Janeiro with Dom in tow. Mia and Brian arrive first and whilst waiting for Dom join Vince (off of the first film) along with some of his acquaintances on a job to steal 3 cars from a moving train. Dom arrives mid heist and senses something is wrong, so he gets Mia to steal the car that the other participants seem to be after, Mia gets away whilst Dom and Brian fight off the others and in the process some D.E.A agents are killed and Dom and Brian captured. Unbeknown to Dom and Brian they have got mixed up with crime boss Hernan Reyes and are also being blamed for the deaths of the D.E.A agents, so after managing to escape not only are they on the run from Reyes but also ruthless DSS agent Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) who has been sent to apprehend them. Upon learning the truth Dom, Mia and Brian devise a plan to steal $100 million in cash from Reyes and then run away and start a new life elsewhere. Enter all the old faces from the previous films making for a testosterone fuelled whirlwind action flick that doesn't disappoint.
In my opinion the Fast and Furious films have got better and better well apart from the one in the middle where they went to Tokyo but we wont talk about that. When the franchise came back with a bang in 2009 with Fast and Furious it would have been a fitting end to the franchise but they just keep on coming and this new film definitely packs a massive punch. With great action sequences and some very inventive sequences also this film is a great watch and this time round doesn't just rely on fancy cars and hot women it also has an ok story line to go along with it.
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