On Stranger Tides is the fourth instalment of the Pirates Of The Caribbean franchise which follows the adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp). Rob Marshall takes the Directors chair for this one with the screenplay once again being written by Terry Rossio and Ted Elliot.
This time around Jack is on a quest to find the fountain of youth, the film begins in London where Jack tries to rescue his first mate Gibbs (Kevin McNally) from an untimely appointment with the gallows during the escape attempt Jack discovers that there is somebody impersonating him who is recruiting a crew to go in search of the Fountain of Youth. The two are then captured Gibbs sent to prison and Jack brought in front of King George II (Richard Griffiths) who wants Jack to lead an expedition to the Fountain in a bid to reach it before the Spanish. Enter Jacks old 'friend' Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) who has jumped ship and is now a privateer in service to the British Navy after loosing Jacks beloved ship the Black Pearl and his leg in the process. Jack then escapes from the palace to find the imposter which after a drawn out sword battle turns out to be Angelica (Penelope Cruz) an old flame of Jacks and long lost daughter to the pirate all pirates fear, Blackbeard (Ian McShane) who possesses magical powers and also practices voodoo. Jack is then forced to join Blackbeards crew, where as Gibbs joins Barbossa and the race is on to overtake the Spanish and find the Fountain.
Making another Pirates film was always going to be a gamble which for me pays off as I fail to get bored of Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow and he again doesn't disappoint, he brings back all the things we love about our favourite fictional pirate and provides laugh after laugh for the audience. Depp is backed up by a great supporting cast welcoming back Geoffrey Rush and Kevin McNally along with new comers to the franchise Penelope Cruz and Ian McShane. The action is good when it comes and it provides plenty of laughs to keep the viewer entertained throughout, which makes for a good watch and also has prospect for a new trilogy of films.
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